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Click on the "Let's go" buttons below to take you to the booking schedule

Purestretch at I2T
A 1 hour class in-studio at Inspire2tri, Manton.
Monday 9am
Thursdays 9am and 6pm
Lengthen, strengthen and tone your body.
All abilities welcome as you can work with props and modifications that will be given throughout the class.
Athletes, fitness folks and anyone who just wants a good stretch!!

Self-Myofascial Release Workshops
Workshops will be in studio in 2024
Want a delicious treat for your body?
Want to feel lighter with more space in your body?
Then come and join me for a delightful session and learn how to pay attention to your body.
Learn how to use a foam roller and therapy balls to address niggles and stuck stress.
You will require
squash ball
foam roller
therapy balls/tennis balls
Information will be sent in your confirmation e-mail.​
Click below for some suggestions on type of equipment to use for workshops
Some days you eat salad and go to the gym, some days you eat cupcakes and refuse to get out of your pj's.
It's called BALANCE
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