"I loved Sheena's Purestretch and foam roller classes! They helped to keep me injury free at a time I was ramping up my running.
The classes are challenging but fun - and contributed to my 5k running times improving and several PB's over the months!
Brilliant....Just do it!"
This is a 1 hour class.
Purestretch will strengthen, lengthen and tone your body as we cover familiar yoga poses in a new way with some great pilates stretches.
You will breath, focus, move, stretch and balance. and there's always some core!
The emphasis is on technique, ease of movement and fun!
This class is appropriate for all abilities and the use of props is always welcomed and encouraged. Modifications are welcome when needed (to accomodate any limitations, injuries or conditions).
Want to learn how your body moves and increase your body awareness, while having 'fun'? Come and join us...
Today's good mood is sponsored by Purestretch....

Express Sports Yoga
"Sheena's classes are good humoured and suitable for all!
Sheena understands what bodies need and her classes provide an excellent, no nonsense and effective way to keep your body moving
- whoever you are!"
This is a 30 minute class.
This will be 30 minutes no holds barred session working on dynamic flowing and body work to develop postural alignment, strength and endurance and muscular balance.
No chanting, meditation or relaxation here.
If you’ve done yoga before…this isn’t it!!
This is a class for yogis and yoginis who have practised some yoga before or who attend regular fitness classes or athletic training.
It is not appropriate for complete beginners.
Move, pause, hold, breathe....
Yoga class? I thought you said pour glass......

I had been struggling with my running and continual glutes problems. Had a 1:1 with Sheena who taught me foam rollering (the right way!) and specific stretches and I'm back running!
Continue to do her purestretch class to keep working on my flexibility and even dip into a yoga class. Great workouts all round.
Thank you!!
Self-Myofascial Release
Workshops and classes TBC in 2024.
SMR are self massage techniques that involve applying gentle sustained pressure into myofascial connective tissue restrictions (stuck stress, niggles or barriers) to eliminate pain and restore movement.
Using a foam roller and therapy balls (or alternatives) to rehydrate, decrease pain and soreness and improve tissue recovery.
My approach is not about ripping/shredding/steam rollering or further wounding yourself that invoke body hostility.
It is a gentle, mindful approach to address stuck stress in the body and to increase your capacity for healing, pain-free better health.
This class will teach you how to roll, glide, shear, pin and stretch, and friction soft tissue areas that need attention through underuse, overuse and abuse!
It will make you feel lighter, more 'space' to move and it's just delicious!